SO! I am posting on behalf of the Troll character that I have.. the Homestuck kind. Or maybe the real kind since I do that from time to time. To whom is none of your concerns (she's in real life anyways.. no it isn't my mum!).
Jamien Frulox would like to thank Newgrounds for being an awesome inspiration, and also for my first fan, Piconjo. And also she tells me to tell you guys not to panic.
"am not far way." She says. Followed by a foghorn noise.
(For those wanting to know more about her, let me know!) (And please be nice, I've had enough bad things happening today, and would like the trolling to be kept down a notch for now... Your free to troll me after Wednesday though!)
(Also if anyone wants to freeload Adobe Flash onto my computer, that would be nice. But please verify that it isn't a virus first, wouldn't want my Macdows to get infected!)